Wire Sculpture

The subject of my creation is a pot made out of wire and the setting is a kitchen because that's where you would find a pot. The work was made by using the fish hook method to create 2 hooks and connect them together tightly to make sure they don't move. I used the 18 gage wire to make the pot then I used smaller wire to construct my name. I chose to create a pot because it was easier than the dog I had been creating before. One specific element I used was line, by making the wire bend in certain ways to create certain lines. On specific principal I used was emphasis by making the handle the main focal point.

One composition rule and technique that is showcased in my art is formal balance by having equal composition on both sides. The handle is balanced from the opposite side of the pot where with my name and the design on the bottom. My project evolved throughout this project because I was first making a dog and using a stuffed animal as a reverence but this changed when I figured out it was way to hard. So then I changed by idea to something easier, but I still wanted to show I know how to make fish hooks and use wires appropriately.

The meaning behind my artwork is I first was creating a dog that looked like my old dog, but I changed my idea to a pot. I thought a pot would be good because I feel like people would be able to tell what it was. This project relates to my life because I like food and you make certain foods using a pot. This also relates to my life because I want to be an orthodontist when I get older and they use wires everyday. I think my work could be stronger by making some of my fish hooks tighter so they don't move.