Hand project

The subject of my creation is a my hand with flowers coming out of the top. The setting is outside where flowers bloom, like shown in my pieces. I first made my hand by using plaster mold. After it dried I used sculpey to construct the flowers and leaves. I also painted green watercolor on my hand to add more color, and make it feel more like growth and blooming. I chose to create this because I thought of spring, which is a season of growth and blooming, so I decided to make flowers growing. I used both color and texture in my artwork by the mold showing the values of my hand and adding sculpy for more texture. I also used color on my hand by using green to show growth and purple blue and pink to make the roses. Lastly, I used patten in the leaves and roses, by layering sculpy to create the pattern.

One composition rule and technique I used was selective focus by using sculpy to make the flower tops and leaves to make the focal point of my creation. My project evolved over the course of this project because I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do, but then I thought of spring and growth and decided to make flowers. From the start of this project I thought I wanted to make different flowers instead of roses, but then I noticed this method was easiest and liked how the flowers turned out, so I decided to make more roses. This project took me a long time because it took awhile for the sculpy to bake. Also , while gluing one of my flowers on the stem, it feel off and broke, so you can see that the blue flower is broken on the outside.

The meaning behind my hand creation is showing growth and blooming as we enter spring. I wanted to make flowers, but ended up just making different colored roses instead. It shows spring which makes me think of flowers and the color green. I love going outside in the spring time and seeing all the leaves coming back to life. This relates to my life because I enjoy the spring season as it enters summer. I love the beauty behind it and all the growth of nature that happens in this process. Next time I might paint the hand a different color because it looks like the hulk right now. I might also make a background, so it isn't so plain.