Emotion Zentange

The subject of my creation is an abstract painting with zentangle designs throughout my piece. We were trying to show an emotion through the designs we made, I showed free. The setting I was going for was a path that got lighter in the distance, with more designs in the background. I made my piece by using canvas paper and acrylic paint. I mixed light colors and darker colors to add value and contrast. This is show in the path where the darker blue gets lighter in the distance. I also used pattern in the swirls and path to meet the requirements of the project.

In my project I used sharp focus to give the designs closer to me have more detail and are larger that the designs farther away from me. My project evolved over the course of this project because I changed the background from my original idea to an orange background with a few swirls.

The meaning behind my artwork is that I created different designs based off of an emotion. By making different patterns they convey different messages. My project relates to my live because the emotion I was trying to show was freeness, I think paths show being free. I think my art could be stronger by making more swirls in the background because they look random.