There's Hope

"There's hope"

3"x 3"

The subject of my creation is two silhouettes who are reaching for each other in the hopes for COVID19 to eventually slow down. I chose to create this because I wanted to react to COVID19 and it finally seems like more people are leaving their houses and businesses are opening up again. This is third piece in the COVID19 response and I think this piece shows how things are getting better and to send a positive message. I tried to use the arms and road to guide to the middle where the brightness is.

I made this piece by using drawing paper and using paint brushes for the water color in the background, specifically red, yellow and oranges to make the sunset feel. I painted on top of the watercolor with black acrylic, to create the silhouettes of the people and the writing for "there's hope".

Throughout this project, I used balance by creating two people and meeting them in the middle through words. This shows an even amount of figures on each side. I also used line in my piece to show my meaning through words created out of one line. I wanted to experiment with the background by creating a sunset like image, the road came to mind because it reminds me of people coming together. Throughout this project I decided to add a road, that was not part of my original idea. My next step in this project would be clean up the road and to maybe create more paintings similar to this one and make a series.