Organ & Tissue donation

The subject of my creation is a bag with organs supposedly coming out of the bag. The setting is basically just in a dark space. I made this by first doing the background with watercolor then using colored pencils to draw the organs, then I used acrylic paint and a paint maker to do the writing. I chose to create this project because I wanted to show the importance of organ and tissue donation and how you could help someone who has the chance to live. I used color in the organs along with the gift bag to highlight the important things I'm trying to show. I also used balance by specifically placing the organs in those spots and the bag in the corner.

Throughout my artwork, I used selective focus by selecting where I want the color to be placed. I chose to do this because I wanted the focal point to be on the organs, to really enhance that organs are truly a gift to someone in need. My project evolved over the course of this project because at the start I was going to make tissue paper coming out of the bag along with organs. Then I chose to do this instead, but I didn't really like it so I started a new draft, but I ran out of time, so I just stuck with this.

The meaning behind my artwork that I was trying to show is that donating organ and tissue gives people a new opportunity for life. It means the world to others when you can save many lives just by donating organs and tissues. This relates to my life because it has introduced a new understanding of this topic and now makes me consider being an organ and tissue donor. I think my artwork could be stronger by making the background blended better and also making the organs look better and add more to my artwork, like tissues.