Time capsule

The subject of my creations are a still object we depend on everyday, cropped self portrait, perspective and a hand gesture. The setting for linear perspective is the hallway walking from the artrooms to the hallway where the main bathrooms are. The other three drawings don't have a setting but I drew them in my living room, it that counts. For my cropped self portrait I used charcoal on my face and used graphite for my hair. On my still object, linear perspective drawing and hand gesture I used graphite and colored pencil. I chose to create these drawings because I want to see how I grow as an artist throughout 2d. In my still object, and cropped self portrait I used value to show the the lighter areas from the darker areas. For example I tried to show the darker areas in my hair and in my neck by simply adding more pressure and using a darker pencil. For my linear perspective drawing and my hand gesture I used line by just using lines and no shading to show what the object is. I also used lines by showing all the little details within what I was drawing.

In my artwork one composition rule and technique I used was leading lines, like in my linear perspective drawing and hand gesture. I used these lines so they would lead to the center of my artwork and show specific details. Another technique I used for my still object and cropped self portrait was selective focus by specifically adding color to certain parts of my drawing, like in my shirt and the top of the spoon. My linear perspective evolved by first having no details then later adding more details. For my still object I first drew the spoon then added shadows. On my hand gesture I had to keep erasing parts of my hand that looked off and make them more proportional. Lastly my cropped self portrait evolved by adding more charcoal to darker areas, also making the lips proportional to my actual lips.

The meaning behind my artwork is that I created drawings that I can see my progression through. These drawings will show me how far I have become as an artist and what I need to work on. My project relates to my life because in my self-portrait is of me, my linear perspective is of my school hallway and it shows what I walk through everyday, my still object shows something I use everyday and depend on, like a spoon. Lastly my hand gesture is one that I use the most. My artwork could be stronger by my still object looking more proportional to the real spoon. I would also change my linear perspective by adding more details and making my lines darker. I would change my self portrait by making my certain parts darker to add more values. Finally I would change my hand gesture by making it more proportional to my actual hand.