Beautiful oops

"Sun Flower blooming"


7"x 11"

The subject of my creation is a sunflower blooming, with blobs of ink as the focal point in this piece. My project shows my appreciation of sunflowers and it shows it dropping its seeds. It was hard to tell what my splat of ink could possibly be, but I knew the middle somewhat circular blob could be the center of a flower, so that inspired me to draw some sort of flower, with the line plot of ink as the stem of a leaf.

For this project, I used water color and graphite to draw the leaves. I first used yellow, orange and brown watercolor on the sunflowers leaves to show a variety of value. Then I used green watercolor on the stem and leaves and in the background I used blue watercolor. After it dried, I used a small circular paint brush to make small dots where the seeds are falling off of the sunflower.

Throughout my artwork, I used to color, I did this because sun flowers are happy and exciting, so by adding these colors it really shows their personality and excitement. I also used contrast by instead of trying to cover up the blob, making it really noticeable, so I can show its dramatic effect on the audience. At first, I thought I might make the an animal or something that might fit in better with the blob, but I liked how this turned out. My next steps in this project would be too touch up the background and make it less streaky around the pedals.