Beautiful oops

The subject of my creation is birch trees with different designs on them, along with a butterfly and and dark bear you can hardly see. My work was made by first looking the different drops of ink and turning the paper all different directions to determine what I can make out of them. I thought of doing an animal like a panda but I then changed my mind and Thought of doing trees with animals coming out of the drops. For my artwork I used materials such as colored pencils, ink and watercolor. I first drew the trees in pencil then i used watercolor pencils on the trees and in the background. I chose to create this because I saw different animals in the drops which made me think why not put them in a tree. In my artwork I used shape by turning the drops of ink into something, shapes are also showcased in my artwork on the trees to make my drawing more appealing.

One composition rule and technique that is shown throughout my drawing is formal balance by balancing the trees on the left out with the ones on the right. I specifically arranged the trees so they would be spread out and offset one another. My project evolved over the course of this project by first thinking of doing flowers, where the drops would be the middle of the flower, but then I changed my mind to birch trees. I first drew the trees not paying attention to the drops, although I already knew I wanted to create some type of animal, so I made a butterfly and a bear.

The meaning behind my artwork is now that we’re approaching fall I thought of birch trees while still adding a touch of summer with the butterfly and some fun colors. This relates to my life because I think birch trees are really pretty as well as butterflies, so I had to add them both in. I think my artwork could be stronger by making the background stronger by adding different materials. Something that bothers me is the background, it looks incomplete and rushed.