Arrive alive

Don't be in the news headlines

Sharpy, acrylic, newspaper, printed photos

8 1/2'' x 16''

The subject of my creation is a collage of the importance of being safe while driving. I made took images of myself while I was doing illegal things, like texting and drinking while driving, (but of course I was parked). I tried to show the importance of this issue by using the color red to symbolize danger and alert people. My message I'm showing is that it's important to drive carefully and to obey the laws or you won't "arrive alive" and "end up in the news". This art competition is important, especially for teens, because as a generation growing up with phones, sometimes we forget that driving is a privilege and don't follow the laws. This relates to my life because the message I'm expressing is specific to my life as I am a new driver and need to be aware of the consequences of what can happen while drinking or texting. I chose to create this because I wanted to add text while also emphasizing these issues.

For this project, I first took images of myself f in my car while being on my phone and pretending to drink. I then used these images to create a collage, using acrylic to paint the background of the car and cutting out my body and layering it on the acrylic paint. Then I used newspaper in the background to create more of a collage and relate it to my project. Lastly, I used a red sharpie to write text on my image to basically scare people and spread my message.

I used value by making the background and foreground black and white, using different grey tones. Then I used selective color to highlight the importance of my message and showed the negative impacts of drinking and texting while driving. I chose to use red because it is more alarming and concerning than other colors. This highlights my message. My project evolved throughout this project because I originally wanted to use media for the whole piece, but my laptop wasn't able to download photoshop, so I instead used my images in a collage. Next time I want to possibly use media and also maybe use magazine people, rather than myself. I would also use text from magazines as well.