


The subject of my creation is a curious cat looking up from below, with wide eyes. I chose to print this because I want to follow my concentration by showing animals different emotions. The emotion I was trying to convey is curiosity. I went to my friends house who has a cat and took many photos of him. I like the curious, wondering why I was taking a photo of him look he gave.

I made this piece by using linoleum and carved out the white space. I started by using wide and thin tools to scrape out the positive parts of the print. I then used a Bristol to roll ink onto the print, creating 2 perfect prints in the end.

Throughout this project I used texture using a different material than usual. In this project I also used color with ink and contrast, showing a strong clear difference between the lights and darks on the cat. Over the course of this project, I ended up making two different linoleum carvings because I didn't like the first one. My next steps in this project would be to make more prints to add on to my concentration. I might also carve more into it, creating more value and contrast.