Beautiful oops

"Fish Silhouette"


The subject of my creation is a silhouette of many sea animals compiled into an organized piece of artwork. We can see the main ideas shown through the water and animals below the surface. My project shows an understanding of both my interest in animals, as well as the materials I chose for this specific project. I noticed a sea horse in one of the ink splotches, leading to an idea to create an ocean full of different sea creatures. I picked a few of my favorite sea animals to draw, making this piece enjoyable to paint and draw.

For this project, I used a variety of different materials from watercolor, graphite, ink pen, painters tape, etc. I first used painters tape around the borders to keep the edges clean from paint. Then I used thin paint brushes and went in with the watercolor pallets to design the ocean and feel for the scenery. After it dried, I finished by using a 6B pencil to draw out the animals and where they would be placed and finished by using a black normal sharpie to shade in the outlines of the animals.

Throughout my artwork, I used to color in the background to give the audience an understanding of what I’m trying to convey, in this case, I was presenting an ocean feel. I also used rhythm by the repetition of the fish and different animals placed. This gives the audience a nice visually appealing piece of art. At first, I thought I might make the animal realistic, although the splotch would not match the other animals in the piece, so I decided to make the animals black. My next steps in this project would be too lighten the background, to make it look more realistic. This would also exemplify the sea creatures and rocks below the surface.