COVID19 Response #2

"Stay Connected"


The subject of my creation is a painting of a photograph I took of a zoom calls with my friends and teacher. My piece shows many values of color, as I wanted to highlight each person through a color. I also used shape, by using puzzle pieces to mush the message of my piece even more. This relates to my life because this is a painting of what my world currently looks like. With COVID19, the only way to stay connected with friends and teachers, is through Zoom.

I used acrylic paint to make this on drawing paper, I also used sharpie to write "stay connected." I looked at an image that I had taken, while in a zoom call. I changed the backgrounds of each person because I wanted to make my painting stand out. I tried to make the faces less realistic, but still highlight facial features.

I used color in my artwork to highlight my friends and puzzle pieces. I also showed contrast from the bright colors to the lighter colors and also the black bold outline. I wish I had made the faces more realistic and straighten some of the black lines. It might have been easier if I had printed the image I was using as a reference to match the angles better. My next steps in this project would be to straiten the lines.