Sgraffito Clay Tile

The subject of my creation is the Eiffel Tower surrounded by differently sized fireworks. Its night due to the dark scene. The to make the sgraffito tile I first rolled a ball of clay making sure it was smooth, then I rolled it out evenly. I used a circular stencil to make the shape then we let the clay harden. I painted 2 layers of black scratch off stuff. After that dried I scratched out my design using the tools we used for our scratch boards, making sure I didn't break the clay while scratching it and gave it to Mrs. Medsker to put in the kiln. Lastly I painted a clear coat of cover coat. I chose to crate this because I thought it would be cool to draw the Eiffel Tower. In my artwork I used value by showing the negative space from the positive space. I also used pattern by the stripes on the Eiffel Tower and the fireworks.

In my artwork I used formal balance by making the Eiffel Tower in the middle then specifically placing the fireworks opposite of each other. My project evolved over the course of this project because I used different methods of scratching to get it to look like it does. I accidentally scratched too much of the tile in one spot on the Eiffel Tower so I had to go back with a small paint brush and paint back what I scratched off.

The meaning behind my artwork is I've always wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower so I drew what I interpret it as. My project relates to my life because I want to visit the Eiffel tower because from what I've heard it’s really beautiful. I think my artwork could be stronger by scratching more of the negative space off to create more details in my artwork.