


The subjects of my creation is an eye. My piece shows with different values and contrast. I stayed with the theme to stay within a black to white range, with grays, this connects my pieces to my other projects it also shows emphasis on the eye. This relates to my life because I wanted to focus on something I hadn't already, which is an eye and create a piece out of it.

I used acrylic on canvas paper, so the paint would dry quickly. I took the images in the light room of Sydneys eye and used the image as a reference. I used larger paintbrushes for larger areas, and smaller pain brushes for smaller areas like the eye, where there are more details. The white and black paints created emphasis throughout my piece, which is connected to my question.

I used value in my artwork to express the white and black tones. I also showed emphasis by making the eye the focal point of my piece and making the sides blended with the eye. At first I wanted to make the eye have color in the eye . My next steps in this project is to add color. I got feedback saying to add color, and it will stregthen my piece.