Coil and Carve

The assignment was to create a coil and carve pot using the coil method to construct the pot. Were asked to make an 8-inch tall pot that has your own personal design on it. The subject of my creation is a pot with different patterns and designs. I made this pot by using the coil method, so first I made a flat bottom for my pot, then I rolled coils with my hands. I kept layering coils in a circular motion. Then I used the scraping tool to connect the coils and smoothed them, so my pot looked clean. After my pot was at the desired height I carved my pot, to add my own design. I made a pattern of triangles and circles using the clay tools, hen I made a raindrop-like design on the sides. After that was fired I covered it in 3 coats of cherry blossom glaze.

In my artwork, I used shape as I showed in the patterns of circles and triangles. This added more texture in my work, which is more visually appealing. Over the course of this project, I was not exactly sure what I was going to carve in my artwork. I started to carve some then didn't like it multiple times, so then I looked up “clay coil designs” and got the idea of doing a pattern. Also when I was constructing my pot it was a little uneven on the sides, so I had to straighten them out quite a bit.

The meaning behind my artwork is that I wanted to create something for my mom that she could use. She likes pink and cool designs, so I created this for her knowing she would enjoy it. She now uses this in her bathroom to put her hair brushes in. This relates to my life because I was able to do the coil and carve method while still creating something that my mom would love. This method will also help me on future projects, when I have to used coils. I am most proud of the carving in this piece. It took me so long to carve it out, but I love how it turned out and I love the glaze I used. I struggle on the coverage of the glaze because still, some spots are a little transparent especially in all the little holes. In the future, I will make sure to add even more than 3 coats of glaze if I don't think its enough.