Sustained Investigation #8

Mixed Features


The subject of my creation is three different faces arranged into one face. I changed my inquiry question from semester one to semester two by focusing on human features and how they are shown through emphasis. I wanted to stay along the same theme of my last question by showing facial features but have a subject in my new question and a principal of design. I chose to do three different faces, to show how everyone is different, while still able to make a new face.

I used charcoal paper and make a 2 inch border around my central image. I took the images in the light room of Sydney, Gracie and Nora . I started by first creating the image I was using as a reference. I used a black charcoal, white charcoal and a fine point pen. The white and black charcoal created emphasis throughout my piece, which is connected to my question.

I used line in my artwork to express the facial features on the face. In my piece I also showed emphasis by making the face the focal point of my piece and blurring out the background. At first I wanted to show each face separate with different values, but I made the faces blend. My next steps in this project would be to blend the hair and values together, to make my piece really realistic.