Natural Chickadee

"Natural chickadee"

Birch tree, colored pencil and bark


The subject of my creation is a chickadee, which shows different layers of colored pencils. I followed my concentration by creating yet another Maine bird, which in this case is a chickadee. I wanted to use a birch tree, so I decided to use colored pencils to show many details on the bird. I think this message is really strong by showing the beauty by using a birch tree.

To make this piece, I started by finding objects relating to nature outside. I found some birch tree logs which had been cut down in my yard, so I decide to use one to paint on. I found the thinest piece and began to draw the chickadee from a reference object. Then I hot glued bark onto the birch wood, so there was a base for the chickadee. Lastly, my dad helped me cut the wood, so it wasn't so long and there wasn't as much waisted space.

Throughout this project, I used color. I did this by using darker colors on the chickadee, while also expressing light colors as well. I also used texture, by experimenting with material choice, such as using a birch tree to draw on. The lighter background draws attention to the base and the chickadee. One set back I faced was that the colored pencils kept pulling up the birch, so I had to use certain colored pencils to create this piece. My next steps in this piece would be to keep layering the colored pencils to add more details.