12R- Unit 5 Drama Game

  1. You have the acuity of a grapefruit. Take your things and get out!

  2. You vicious, depraved degenerate! Get your hands off of me!

  3. Ooof! I am so enervated. I need to lie down.

  4. Nu! Get to the point. I don't like all this esoteric talk!

  5. My! What a fecund imagination you have!

  6. I have instituted a fiat and you will obey!

  7. Oh my God! I'll never recover from the ignominy! I'm ruined!

  8. You and your mundane little ideas about your mundane littler life. Blah! Blah! Blah!

  9. What a delightful performance! So full of subtlety! So full of nuance!

  10. You arrogant overweening brut! Get out!

  11. Your sophistry won't work on me! I ain't no sucker!

  12. My, my, my! What a sumptuous banquet!

  13. The ubiquity of those awful smartphones is distressing.