VR - Unit 4

Read the sentence below and answer one for each of the 20 words in this unit:

    1. Describe a time when you absconded from an important responsibility.

    2. What do you need to access a bank account?

    3. Do you have access to a bank account?

    4. What electronic device is hard to access when locked?

    5. When you were a child, what were you withheld access to?

    6. Do your parents have or want full access to your computer?

    7. Name a place in the school that only seniors have access to.

    8. Name a time when you had special access to a premiere.

    9. How might someone get access to backstage at a Justin Beiber concert?

    10. Describe a classroom you’ve been in that was in a state of anarchy.

    11. Name a country that is presently in a state of anarchy.

    12. Name a time when France was in a state of anarchy.

    13. What’s the most arduous task you’ve ever been asked to perform?

    14. Name an arduous task for an elderly member of your family.

    15. Which of your school subjects requires the most arduous study?

    16. Name a job that requires arduous work.

    17. Did your first day at Preston leave you with an auspicious feeling about the school? Why or why not?

    18. Which of your teachers do you find the most daunting and why?

    19. Which of your parents do you find most daunting?

    20. In 8th grade, were you daunted by the prospect of high school?

    21. What is an inanimate object you regularly have to disentangle?

    22. What is the best way to disentangle gum from hair?

    23. Do you believe that your life is fated?

    24. Name an event in your life you feel was fated to happen.

    25. Do you believe love can be fated?

    26. Are you an easy person to hoodwink?

    27. Have your siblings ever hoodwinked you into doing something you shouldn’t?

    28. Have you ever hoodwinked a friend?

    29. Describe a time when you were hoodwinked by others.

    30. Name 3 inanimate objects you most use during the day.

    31. Name an inanimate object for which you have had great affection.

    32. Name 3 inanimate objects near you right now.

    33. Name an inanimate object that is used for religious purposes.

    34. Describe a time when a teacher give a look that was meant to incinerate?

    35. Describe a time when you gave an incinerating look.

    36. Name a character in The Hunger Games who can be described as intrepid.

    37. Describe a time when you were intrepid.

    38. Name a job that requires someone intrepid.

    39. Have you ever been tempted to commit larceny?

    40. Has a friend ever encouraged you to commit larceny?

    41. Have you ever witnessed an act of larceny? Describe it.

    42. What kinds of exercise will make a person more pliant?

    43. Name a type of dance for which you must be pliant.

    44. Are you pliant enough to do the splits?

    45. Name a character in a movie or TV show who can be described as pompous.

    46. Name a celebrity you found pompous at the Grammys.

    47. Name a singer who is at this moment on the precipice of great fame.

    48. Name a time when you were on the precipice of glory.

    49. Have you ever designed a prototype for a science project?

    50. Describe an experience when you had to rectify a bad situation.

    51. Describe a time when you rectified a situation with a friend.

    52. Which school subject would you like a reprieve from studying?

    53. Have you ever been reviled?

    54. Have you ever been reviled by someone online?