VR - 1/2

    1. Do you consider yourself a feminist?

    2. Do you enjoy TV shows that deal with homicide?

    3. Can you think of a movie that features a misanthropic character?

    4. Name 3 actors who are especially virile.

    5. Do you intend to study the humanities or the sciences when you get to college?

  1. Give an example of genocide from history.

    1. Do you like people who are especially genteel? Why or why not?

    2. Name a character on TV who is especially egotistical.

    3. What war established America’s autonomy from Great Britain?

    4. If you had the opportunity to take a job as an assistant to an anthropologist and travel to far-away places for long periods of time, would you do it?

    5. Give 2 examples of inhumane work conditions.

    6. Give 3 examples congenital diseases.

    7. What is your genealogy?

    8. In what ways is the Preston classroom heterogeneous? In what ways is it homogeneous?

    9. What historical event engendered America’s involvement in World War II?

    10. Are you an indigenous New Yorker?

    11. What ingenious idea does Johnny use in order to get Francie into a better school?

    12. How many progeny would you like to have?

    13. Which word in lesson 2 has both a negative and a positive connotation?