VR - Unit 6

  1. Who acceded to the papacy after Pope Benedict XVI?

  2. In what kind of movie might you expect to see someone brandishing a gun?

  3. How many boroughs does New York comprise?

  4. Name two activities that require a deft hand.

  5. Who should take responsibility for someone who is destitute: the Church, the government or the individual's family?

  6. Name a teacher you have or have had who you feel gives explicit instruction in class.

  7. What is the best way to extirpate prejudice and racism?

  8. Have you ever walked in on someone at an inopportune moment? How did you react?

  9. Name two characters in Pride and Prejudice who have ironic points of view. Explain.

  10. Name two factors that might cause a room to get musty.

  11. Name a store or a restaurant where the staff is especially officious.

  12. Are you superstitious? Do you believe in ominous signs?

  13. What has been the pinnacle of your Preston education so far?

  14. Have you over told a premeditated lie?

  15. What can be done to deter the rampant use of bad language at our school?

  16. Where do you go to find solace?

  17. Name a celebrity who carries herself/himself in a stately way?

  18. Name two fabrics that are very supple. Name one that is not supple.

  19. Name two countries where the government suppresses its people.

  20. What is the difference between a venal sin and a mortal sin?