Summer Reading Assignment

Choose two chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird and two chapters in The Color of Water and write a paragraph for each chapter describing a specific conflict one of the characters faces in that chapter. What are the circumstances that lead to the conflict? Is the conflict resolved and how? What does the character learn from the experience? What is the point that the author of the book is trying to make in this chapter? For example, in chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem gets into a conflict with his neighbor, Mrs. Dubose. What does Mrs. Dubose say that leads to the conflict? What is Jem’s reaction? How do Atticus and Scout respond and what do their responses say about each of them? What does Jem learn from the experience and how does he learn it? What is the author, Harper Lee, trying to tell us through this chapter? You may use chapter 11 as one of your four choices. Feel free to include direct quotes (with page numbers) from the book.

The work should be done on a computer, not hand-written. Use normal margins and the 12 point font of Times New Roman. Each of the paragraphs should be at least a half a page, around eight or nine sentences. On the first day of class, please give your teacher a hard copy of the assignment. In addition, the first week of school, your class will visit the library to learn how to submit the assignment to, so you should have an electronic copy as well, either on a USB or saved to your email account.