CNN article

Read the article below and do the exercises that follow:

At least 117 killed in Iraqi village market blast


Jul 7, 2007

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A suicide car bomber targeting a busy market in a northern Iraqi village killed at least 117 people Saturday morning, a government official told CNN.

A truck laden with 2 tons of explosives detonated in an outdoor market in Amerli. The truck resembled an Iraqi military truck, according to an official at the Joint Coordination Center in the city of Tuz Khurmatu.

Amerli is a village predominantly populated by Shiite Turkmens and Kurds, about 100 miles north of Baghdad in Salaheddin province, near Tuz Khurmatu.

Some 265 people were wounded and at least 12 houses were badly damaged.

Survivors told The Associated Press that people may still be trapped after the blast.

"Some are still under the rubble with no one to help them. There are no ambulances to evacuate the victims," Haitham Hadad told AP. He had taken his brother to the Tuz Khurmatu hospital by car, AP reported.

Survivors were taken to several hospitals, including one in Kirkuk.

"I saw destruction everywhere, dozens of cars destroyed, about 15 shops and many houses, even some more than 700 meters (yards) away," witness Haitham Yalman told AP.

Bombers killed another 48 people late Friday in villages in Diyala province, officials told AP. In one attack, a suicide car bomb exploded near a market that stocks Iranian goods, killing 26. In another, a suicide attack in a funeral tent in a Shiite Kurdish village killed 22.

Later Saturday, six people, including five Iraqi soldiers, were killed and 22 were wounded when a suicide car bomb struck an Iraqi army checkpoint in southeastern Baghdad, the Interior Ministry said.

Also on Saturday 19 bullet-riddled bodies were found in Baghdad, an Interior Ministry official said. They bring the total of unidentified bodies found in the capital during July to 113.

Meanwhile, 15 U.S. troops died in Iraq on Thursday and Friday.

Three sailors were killed Friday as "a result of enemy action" near Baghdad, the Department of Defense said Saturday. The sailors were assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team, the DOD said.

One soldier was killed Friday, along with an Iraqi interpreter, when an "explosively formed penetrator" -- essentially a high-tech bomb -- exploded near their patrol in southeastern Baghdad. Three soldiers were wounded.

The U.S. military contends Iran supplies these high-tech bombs, which Tehran denies.

Two other soldiers were killed Friday when a homemade bomb exploded near their patrol in eastern Baghdad. The military said soldiers from the unit had recently arrested suspected insurgents.

a. Find the synonyms for the following words in the article and identify the part of speech:

  1. _________________ blew up

  2. _________________ looked like

  3. _________________ mostly

  4. _________________ hurt

  5. _________________ debris

  6. _________________ quickly remove

  7. _________________ carries

  8. _________________ products

  9. _________________ crossing

  10. _________________ translator

  11. _________________ maintains

  12. _________________ resistance fighters

b. Fill in the following chart:

A boy is taken to a hospital in Kirkuk, Iraq, after a suicide car bomber attacked a village market.

c. Incorporating at least 8 of the vocabulary words above, write a journalistic article documenting one or a series of Grendel’s attacks on Herot. Use the The Wrath of Grendel as your source. Include the appropriate facts and figures, as well as an interview with an eyewitness. Try to capture the writing style used in the article. Describe the scene in detail and make your sentences as factual and informative as possible, free of unnecessary words and phrases. (At least 250 words)