Unit 5

Choose 20 of the prompts below and write sentences for each of the words in Unit 5:

  1. Would you rather have a heightened acuity in your sense of sight or your sense of hearing?

  2. As you get older, does the acuity of your senses weaken or strengthen?

  3. Name a way in which you delineate your emotions.

  4. Name an author who delineates a macabre tone in his/her novels.

  5. Have you ever met someone depraved by power?

  6. Name a character with a depraved mind set.

  7. Name a job that would enervate your physical health.

  8. Name a food that enervates.

  9. What is a place where you might hear esoteric language?

  10. Name a person whose fecund intellect led to new inventions.

  11. Do you believe that school fosters a fecund mind? Or does it turn you into an automaton?

  12. What kind of government rules by fiat?

  13. Name a fiat you would proclaim if you were ruler of a country.

  14. Name a time in which you believed a figment of your imagination was real.

  15. What award have you garnered that you're most proud of?

  16. Does your religion have a hallowed object?

  17. Name an object which the Church hallows as sacred.

  18. What possession do you hallow?

  19. Name an idiosyncrasy you have when eating.

  20. Name a character who went from honor to ignominy.

  21. Name a time when you felt ignominy.

  22. Would you rather live a mundane life or a transcendental life?

  23. Would you describe your writing as nuanced?

  24. Name an overweening character from a TV show.

  25. What celebrity do you think has overweening confidence?

  26. Do you have a penchant for certain kinds of foods?

  27. Name a time when you were reputed to have done something you didn't in fact do.

  28. Have you ever used sophistry to get out of a difficult situation?

  29. Do you believe that "illuminate" is sophistry?

  30. Name a movie with sumptuous scenery.

  31. What is the most sumptuous gift you ever received?

  32. What is a ubiquitous phrase that young people often use in arguments?

  33. Name a ubiquitous phrase used by the youth.