Drama exercise Unit 2

  1. Stop accosting me! Get away from me!

  2. I take it from your animadversion that you don't approve.

  3. I'm an avid exerciser! Wanna work out?!

  4. Chop, chop! Move with celerity, ladies!

  5. I remember my halcyon days! Long ago and far away!

  6. OK, cut the histrionics! Calm down, drama queen.

  7. I don't appreciate your incendiary remark!

  8. OK, take your maelstrom over there! I don't wanna deal with it.

  9. Don't you think you're being a little myopic? Learn to see the big picture!

  10. I can sense your overt hostility and I don't appreciate it! Get out!

  11. Legs crossed! Back straight! Hands folded on your lap. Propriety ladies!

  12. You are hereby summarily dismissed! get out!

  13. Get those suppliants away from me! I don't want to look at those dirty beggars!

  14. My talisman is very powerful! Stay away!