1. What assurance does Preston high school provide to students and parents about safety?

  2. To whom do you go to seek assurance when making a big decision?

  3. Where would you seek asylum in PHS?

  4. Name something or someone whom you find consoling when you're morose or doleful.

  5. Where might one find an exorbitant amount of dross?

  6. Did your neighborhood have a lot of dross in the streets after the storm?

  7. Do your grades start to dwindle towards the end of the year?

  8. Name something your family stocks up on that dwindles quickly.

  9. Have you ever spoken in a flippant manner to either of your parents or any of your teachers? Explain.

  10. Name a character on TV who has a flippant attitude.

  11. Have you ever been flippant in a situation where you should have been serious?

  12. Do you think it is fair for criminals to receive immunity if they give up their accomplices names?

  13. What new rules do you think Preston should institute regarding the dress code?

  14. Name an improvement you would institute at Preston High School.

  15. What is your biggest liability as a student?

  16. Name an event in which you've witnessed someone acting in a preposterous way.

  17. Describe a preposterous situation in which you found yourself.

  18. Describe the TV show you find to be preposterous.

  19. Describe a preposterous lie you created to counteract a situation.

  20. Can you be described as having a pugnacious personality?

  21. Would you rather own a domicile or pugnacious pet?

  22. Which sport do you think has the most rabid fan base?

  23. Has there ever been a time when you were angered and pushed to your limits and your attitude became rabid? Explain.

  24. Have you ever dreamt you were in an alternate realm?

  25. What do people do to rejuvenate their skin and look younger?

  26. Name inactivity or place that helps you rejuvenate.

  27. Do you do things for the good of it or just to be remunerated?

  28. Have you ever had a time when your parents promised to remunerate you and then did not?

  29. Name a country or state that is sparsely populated.

  30. Why is there a sparse amount of trees in New York City?

  31. Described a sterling moment in your life.

  32. Name an actor who gave a sterling performance in a movie.

  33. Describe a time in which you ventured out of your comfort zone.

  34. Would you ever venture into a dark forest alone?

  35. Name a movie that includes a time warp.