
  1. I need your assurance on this. Are you with me? OK, let's go!

  2. I've come to seek asylum! Please help me!

  3. How can I console you? What can I do to help?

  4. Uch, filthy! Remove this dross immediately!

  5. What a preposterous excuse! Get out!

  6. My strength is dwindling. The end Is nigh!

  7. I don't like your flippant attitude! Be serious!

  8. I'm sorry. They will not grant immunity. You will be charged with the crime.

  9. Goodness! What a pugnacious person. She needs to calm down.

  10. The spa was so rejuvenating! I feel like a new man.

  11. I will not remunerate you for this shoddy work! Get out!

  12. The pickings were rather sparse. I had a cracker and a piece of cheese.

  13. Are you sure you want to venture it? You are? Let's go!

  14. Help! I'm in a time warp!