12R Policy Sheet - Mr. Abel

You must have a 90% or above in QUARTER 1 AND QUARTER 2 to be exempt from the midterm.

The objectives of this class:

To prepare you for the language half of the SAT

To help you prepare your college essay

To expand your vocabulary

To develop your writing skills

To strengthen your ability to read a variety of texts, understand them and write about them

To strengthen your ability to recognize and write about themes and the use of literary devices in a work of literature

How you will be graded:

40% = Quizzes, brief writing assignments and homework

60% = Tests and projects, e.g. vocabulary tests and major essays

Makeup Work Policy: You are expected to be present for all quizzes and tests and to hand in all writing assignments on time. It is your responsibility to stay informed about upcoming homework assignments, quizzes and tests. Missed quizzes cannot be made up. Tests may be made up, at the teacher’s discretion, within three school days of your absence.

My Expectations:

I expect each student to...

...come equipped to class ON TIME with the requisite notebooks and writing tools.

...keep their cellphones off and in their bags. (Do you see the mistake here?)

...arrive for class on time and prepared to discuss her assignments.

...keep their drafts, revisions and final copies of all papers in their portfolios.

...maintain a respectful attitude toward her fellow classmates and the teacher with the intent of building a positive learning environment for all.

Discipline: A parent or guardian will be notified if a student has not completed her assignments, if a student is consistently unprepared for class, if a student’s behavior interferes with the learning environment, or if deemed necessary by the teacher. The teacher will issue demerits when necessary.


Caveat: KAHOOT!

2018 – 2019 Syllabus:

Quarter One


Summer reading:

Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Greek Tragedy:

Medea by Euripides

The Origins of Opera

Médée by Luigi Cherubini

Grammar: Prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, participial phrases

SAT prep

Quarter Two


Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Sweeney Todd: The Demon of Fleet Street by Stephen Sondheim

Grammar: Absolute phrases, adjectival phrases (relative clauses), adverbial phrases

Writing: Research paper on Medea, Hamlet, or The Color Purple

The Musical

Quarters Three and Four

1. Origin Story: Revues v Operettas

2. 1930s: Musical Comedies to "Showboat"

3. The Golden Age: "Oklahoma" to "Fiddler on the Roof"

4. Off Broadway

5. "Concept" Musicals

I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.

- Wilson Mizner (1876 - 1933)