
A. In the passage on 390, find synonyms for the following words:

1. medicine cordial

2. joy exhilaration

3. degradation slough

4. correctness decorum

5. disaster calamity

6. petty mean

7. triviality trifle

8. branch boughs

9. control temperance

10. hatred contempt

B. Answer the following questions in your notebook:

B. Answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. How does Emerson use metaphor in this passage? air = cordial (medicine)

2. How does Emerson use simile in this passage? man in nature = snake with slough

3. How does Emerson use paradox in this passage? "to be brothers is a trifle" "new to me and old" "it takes me by surprise, and yet it is not unknown"

4. According to Emerson, is our experience in nature always the same? Find evidence for your answer. "nature always wears the colors of the spirit"

5. Have you ever experienced anything like the feelings Emerson expresses?