Drama Game

Drama Game

  1. How dare you try to abscond with my valuables? Get out!

  2. I’m sorry. You don’t have access to these files. Get out!

  3. Order! Order! (Clapping) I will not tolerate this anarchy!

  4. What an arduous task! I’m exhausted!

  5. Well, well, well, that was an auspicious beginning.

  6. We will not be daunted! Let’s go!

  7. Alas, there is nothing to be done. It is fated!

  8. What? What? You trying to incinerate me with that nasty look? You don't scare me! Get out!

  9. Larceny! Larceny! Someone call the police!

  10. You pompous, preening fool! Get over yourself and get out!

  11. Ladies, we are on the precipice of disaster!

  12. No, no, no, no…the situation cannot be rectified! Get out!

  13. I’ve asked the judge for a reprieve. We’ll just have to wait and see.