Unit 2

There are 5 words missing from the list. Write prompts of your own for these five.

  1. Have you ever seen anyone accosted on the street?

  2. Name a recent animadversion you've seen on social media.

  3. Name something or someone you are an avid fan of?

  4. What is an activity around the house that you accomplish with celerity?

  5. Name a character in a movie who is devious.

  6. What do you consider the most halcyon days of your life so far?

  7. Are you histrionic or subdued in tense situations?

  8. Should politicians be held accountable for incendiary comments?

  9. Name a recent natural disaster that has caused a maelstrom.

  10. If someone is overtly hostile to you, how do you respond?

  11. Is propriety important in the classroom?

  12. Name an action you would consider a sacrilege.

  13. Under what circumstances might someone's employment be summarily terminated?

  14. Do you have an object you've used as a talisman?

  15. Name a dance move that involves undulation?