VR - Unit 2

    1. What is a sound that makes you grimace?

    2. What are the dangers of giving only cursory attention to your homework?

    3. Have your parents ever scrutinized your homework when you finish it?

    4. What are some things a student could do if she was in jeopardy of failing a class?

    5. Describe a situation in which you were impervious to peer pressure.

    6. Name a situation in which you are meticulous about your appearance. Explain.

    7. What qualities are quintessential to the Preston student?

    8. Is there a time in your life about which you are nostalgic?

    9. Why is it important that a baby's bath water be tepid?

    10. Is there a particular celebrity about whom it is easy for you to extol?

    11. Name someone in the public eye who is benevolent. Explain.

    12. Have you ever witnessed belligerent behavior in public? Explain.

    13. Are there any foods to which you are averse?

    14. Describe a situation in which you helped two parties come to an amicable agreement.

    15. Name something at which you are especially adroit?

    16. Describe a scene in a movie or TV program that involves duplicity. Explain.

    17. What was the impetus behind your decision to go to Preston?

    18. Describe a scene in a movie that includes a holocaust.

    19. Do you ever wish you could retrogress back to a time in your childhood? Why or why not?

    20. What would you need to do to make it feasible to attend Harvard?