HW - 10R


Finish Pride and Prejudice. You will have a quiz on Tuesday and a test on Unit 7 Thursday.

For 5/18

Do the exercises for Unit 7 in your vocab book. Read chapters 55, 56 and 57 in Pride and Prejudice.

For 5/16

Read up to Chapter 55 in P & P

For 5/12

Vocabulary test on Unit 6

New intros due to turnitin.com. Follow the format here.

For 5/10

Read up to chapter 50 in Pride and Prejudice.

For 5/6

Do the vocabulary review exercise here for Unit 6. Also, by Tuesday, read up to chapter 50 in Pride and Prejudice. You will have a quiz on the reading Tuesday and a vocabulary quiz on Unit 6 Thursday.

For 5/4

Do the exercises for Unit 6b in your vocabulary book.