VR - 1/2

  1. Do you give credence to the Bible and its message?

  2. Name a situation in which you have been credulous.

  3. What is your creed?

  4. Name a creditable performance by an actor that you’ve recently seen.

  5. What accreditation authority will be visiting Preston in December?

  6. Name a movie that includes the presence of a deity.

  7. What did the Egyptian pharaohs claims in order to deify themselves?

  8. What is a synonym for deify?

  9. Do you know anyone with a talent for divination?

  10. Name 2 countries that are theocracies?

  11. Would you be interested in a course on theology?

  12. Do you know anyone who claims to be an atheist?

  13. Where is the Pantheon and when and why was it built?

  14. According to the mission statement on page 4, to what goal does Preston consecrate itself?

  15. What kinds of behavior do you consider execrable?

  16. How many sacraments are there in the Catholic Church?

  17. Give an example of a sacrilege.

  18. Name a place in the school that is considered sacrosanct.

  19. Can you give examples of sanctimonious behavior by teachers or parents?

  20. Do you sanction the use of torture by the military in extreme situations?

  21. What area of your house provides you a sanctuary?

  22. In what situations is it important to establish a hierarchy?

  23. Have you ever had to expiate for something you’ve done?

  24. For what persons or religious figures do you feel a sense of piety?

  25. Is the “Jesus is my homeboy” t-shirt impious?