Unit 6 - Drama review

  1. Atone for your sins or die!

  2. You are not a credible witness. You are a liar. Get out!

  3. Can I help you defray the cost?

  4. Hey, Gloomy Gus, why so doleful?

  5. What a ghastly exhibition of rude manners!

  6. Step away. You're hampering my style.

  7. Don't hew to your antiquated ideas! Be free!

  8. The food supply is impoverished. We will soon perish.

  9. Stop this incessant racket!

  10. Ooooh, this pattern is so intricate!

  11. Don't listen to him. He's not lucid.

  12. Well, well, well, isn't she prim and proper!

  13. Ha! I love her sardonic wit!

  14. Your comments are superfluous! Please hold your tongue.

  15. She is tenacious. She will never let it go.