Research Paper



Submit thesis and road map.


Submit working bibliography (list of sources - primary and secondary included if applicable - done in MLA or APA style). For each source, explain in one sentence why you've chosen it. (You should have read them to do this assignment. If you are focusing your paper on a work of literature, you should have at least 3 additional sources.


Submit detailed outline including quotes to be used and sources. Your outline should include: the topic sentence for each body paragraph, specific quotes from primary and/or secondary sources .


Submit intro and first 2 body paragraphs (using MEAL and secondary sources) to turnitin.


Submit final draft to turnitin.

Some possible ideas. Choose one or come up with your own:

Literary research papers:

  • Compare one woman from each of the works. How does each of them relate to the world, and what does that say about them? What might the author be trying to say?

  • Look at the characters of Medea and Sweeney Todd through the lens of vengeance vs. justice.

  • Is it possible to stay true to one's principles in a world filled with lies and deception? How do the authors present this conflict between man and society?

Non-literary research papers:

  • Examine performances of Medea through the centuries and the different ways this play has been interpreted according to the time and setting.

  • Research the way the character of Othello has been played through the centuries and how those portrayals reveal the racial biases of their time.

  • Explore a topic related to one of the works, i.e. divorce (Medea), the Industrial Revolution (Sweeney Todd), race (Othello)

  • Explore the use of Greek myths or Shakespeare in American musicals

Go to and look up essay topics for each of the works.