Unit 9 - Drama Activity

  1. Can I be candid with you?

  2. This class is such drudgery!!

  3. The violence is escalating! We must leave the country immediately!

  4. You are simply an expedient on my journey to the top!!

  5. Don't you feign modesty with me! I know how proud you are.

  6. Ooooooh! She has a real flair for fashion!

  7. You are making a grievous mistake! Please don't!

  8. Look out! Look out! That horde of buffalo is coming this way!!

  9. I impel you to stop this foolish behavior! Stop! Stop!

  10. I am incredulous! I can't believe what I'm seeing!

  11. Inscribe here, please.

  12. I'll have a big bowl of prognosis negative!

  13. Your attitude is repugnant! Get out!