Unit 5

1. Name an accomplice of John Wilkes Booth in his assassination of President Lincoln.

2. Name a city that was completely annihilated by a volcanic eruption.

3. Name an important decision you made in an arbitrary way.

4. Describe a brazen act you have witnessed in public.

5. What was the catalyst for America’s involvement in WW2?

6. What prompted the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt?

7. How can teachers facilitate their students’ learning during class?

8. Do you think there is such a thing as an incorrigible criminal or do you think every person can be redeemed? Explain.

9. Do you have any latent talents that few know about?

10. Name an issue about which you are militant.

11. Is there anyone in your neighborhood who you find especially morose?

12. Is there a school subject about which you are practically opaque?

13. What is the most paramount quality expected in a Preston student?

14. Name a character on a TV show who tends to prattle on.

15. How would you rebut the argument that homework is absolutely essential to learning.

16. Describe a time when you were reprimanded by a teacher or a parent.

17. Name an historical figure who spent part of his life in servitude.

18. Give a reason as to why someone might be slapdash about homework.

19. Is there a specific time of day when you are especially stagnant? Why?

20. Give an example of a time you've succumbed to peer pressure.