You're the Top

1. At words poetic, I'm so ____

That I always have found it best,

2. Instead of getting 'em off my ____,

To let 'em rest unexpressed,

3. I hate ____my serenading

For I'll probably miss a bar,

4. But if this ____ is not so pretty

At least it'll tell you

How great you are.

You're the top!

5. You're ____.

You're the top!

6. You're ____.

You're the purple light

7. Of a summer night in ____,

You're the National Gallery

8. You're ____ salary,

9. You're ____.

You're sublime,

You're a turkey dinner,

10. You're the time of a ____ winner

I'm a toy balloon that's fated soon to pop

But if, baby, I'm the bottom,

You're the top!


11. You're the top! You're a ____ salad.

12. You're the top! You're a ____ ballad.

You're a baby grand of a lady and a gent.

13. You're an old ____ master,

14. You're Mrs. ____,

You're Pepsodent.

You're romance,

15. You're the steppes of ____,

16. You're the pants on a ____ usher.

I'm a lazy lout that's just about to stop,

But if, baby, I'm the bottom,

You're the top!