from "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Match the paraphrased sentences below with their originals from the passage on pg. 393:

  1. "You can only really understand things as the result of your own experience."

  2. "Our own souls embarrass us."

  3. "The group will always try to shame the individual."

  4. "Society values conventionality."

  5. "When push comes to shove, the only thing that matters is the sincerity of your character."

  6. "Don't worry about being steady and rational."

Answer the questions below:

1. Do you see evidence of Emerson's ideas reflected in modern American culture?

2. Which three statements in the text most appeal to you? List them in the order of their value to you and be prepared to discuss why.

Watch the video below.

What point is the video making? How does it make its point?

How does this point relate to Emerson's ideas about self-reliance?