10/11 Drama

  1. adept - You're very adept at that! Can you teach me how to do it?

  2. brevity - Brevity is the soul of wit.

  3. comport - Comport yourself like a lady! Sit up!

  4. demure - Well, my, my, my, isn't she a demure little thing! A little flower!

  5. depreciation - Since you moved in, the neighborhood has depreciated and my house's value has depreciated! Get out!

  6. divulge - Divulge all the juicy gossip! Tell me everything!

  7. erroneous - Your assumption that I will accept your late work is erroneous! Get out!

  8. exploit - We won't be exploited! Give us fair wages!

  9. impair - You've been drinking! I will not get in the car with an impaired driver. Give me the keys!

  10. languid - Too much turkey! I feel so languid!

  11. mire - Oh, I feel so bad for her. She is mired in her grief. (with accent)

  12. obtrusive - OOF! What an obtrusive person! She needs to learn some manners!

  13. relentless - Your relentless whining is getting on my nerves! Would you please shut up!

  14. render - That'll be $17.59 for services rendered, ma'am.

  15. slipshod - Your slipshod appearance is unacceptable in the work place. Change your outfit or get out!

  16. squander - So you've squandered all your opportunities and now you come crying to me for help. Well, forget it! get out!