VR - 5/6

1. What are the pros and cons of military conscription?

2. Name 3 historical figures who were not circumscribed by their circumstances.

3. If you had to choose a pseudonym, what would it be?

4. Name some current trend in popular culture that you proscribe.

5. Name 3 acronyms and what they stand for.

6. Give an example of ignominious behavior you’ve recently heard about or seen on TV.

7. What is an epigram you like to use? For example, I like the epigram “You snooze, you lose.”

8. What is the epigraph for lesson 12?

9. Name a video or film where you really enjoyed the choreography.

10. What should be the punishment for drawing graffiti?

11. Who is the person in your family with the most eclectic tastes?

12. What are some words associated with the lexicon of the Catholic Church?

13. Make an analogy between the classroom and something else.

14. What does the Preston logo look like?

15. What might be some of the logistics associated with organizing a semi-formal dance?

16. (Sorry, this one’s kind of weird.) What would you want someone to say about you in a eulogy?

17. Give an example of alliteration from a song on the radio.

18. What do you ascribe your success in life to?

19. Name two cities that were obliterated in WWII.

20. Which scene in Macbeth includes a graphic description of a battle?