Unit 15

  1. What amenities would you require in a Manhattan condo?

  2. What decision by the administration would cause dissidence in the student body?

  3. Is your character mutable or are you a pretty steady personality?

  4. What would you like to leave for your progeny?

  5. In which class are you most restive?

  6. Name a profession that pays a pittance in relation to the amount of work.

  7. Name something or someone without which or whom you could not subsist.

  8. Name a celebrity who has recently been pilloried by the press.

  9. Name a character on TV who has epicurean tastes.

  10. Name a public figure who is worthy of a panegyric.

  11. Name a person you know or a celebrity who has a seraphic face.

  12. Which of the characters in The Crucible exhibits the most moral rectitude?

  13. Are there any new policies you would like to see promulgated at Preston?

  14. Name a nascent star in the music world.

  15. Name a culture in which obeisance is prominent.

  16. Which of our rights, as Americans, do you consider the most inviolable?

  17. have you ever presaged an event before it occurred?

  18. Which character commits the most serious iniquity in the literature you read last year?