"Amelia" by Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell on "Amelia"

I was ______ across the burning desert

When I spotted six jet planes

Leaving six white vapor trails across the bleak terrain

It was the hexagram of the heavens

It was the ______ of my guitar

Amelia, it was just a false alarm

The drone of flying engines

Is a song so wild and ______

It scrambles time and seasons if it gets through to you

Then your life becomes a travelogue

Of picture-post-card-charms

Amelia, it was just a false alarm

People will tell you ______ they've gone

They'll tell you where to go

But till you get there yourself you never really know

Where some have found their paradise,

Others just come to ______

Oh Amelia, it was just a false alarm

I wish that he was here tonight

It's so hard to obey

His sad request of me to kindly stay ______

So this is how I hide the ______

As the road leads cursed and charmed

I tell Amelia, it was just a false alarm

A ghost of aviation

She was swallowed by the sky

Or by the sea, like me she had a ______ to fly

Like Icarus ascending

On beautiful foolish arms

Amelia, it was just a false alarm

Maybe I've never really loved

I guess ______ is the truth

I've spent my whole life in clouds at icy altitude

And looking down on everything,

I crashed into his arms

Amelia, it was just a false alarm

I pulled into the Cactus Tree Motel

To shower off the dust

And I ______ on the strange pillows of my wanderlust

I dreamed of 747s

Over geometric farms

Dreams, Amelia, dreams and false alarms

That's a good choice. To me, the whole "Hejira" album was really inspired. I feel a lot of people could have written "Chelsea Morning," but I don't think anyone else could have written the songs on "Hejira." I wrote the album while traveling cross-country by myself and there is this restless feeling throughout it. . . . The sweet loneliness of solitary travel. What happened was I had driven across the country with a couple of friends, starting in California when they showed up at my door. One was an old boyfriend from Australia who had a 20-day visa and wanted to go to Maine to kidnap his daughter from this grandmother. You could have made a whole movie about that trip. "Refugee of the Roads" grew out of that experience. On the way back, I went down the coast to Florida and then followed the Gulf of Mexico across the country, staying in That's a good choice. To me, the whole "Hejira" album was really inspired. I feel a lot of people could have written "Chelsea Morning," but I don't think anyone else could have written the songs on "Hejira." That's a good choice. To me, the whole "Hejira" album was really inspired. I feel a lot of people could have written "Chelsea Morning," but I don't think anyone else could have written the songs on "Hejira." I wrote wrote the album while traveling cross-country by myself and there is this restless feeling throughout it. . . . The sweet loneliness of solitary travel. What happened was I had driven across the country with a couple of friends, starting in California when they showed up at my door. One was an old boyfriend from Australia who had a 20-day visa and wanted to go to Maine to kidnap his daughter from this grandmother.

What kind of clause is this?

What kind of phrase is this?

What is the antecedent of the pronoun "it"?

What kind of imagery is this?

What literary tool is used here?

What element of transcendentalism does this relate to?

Explain the paradox here.

How does the song shift here? Why?

What kind of clause is this?

What kind of phrase is this?

What literary tool is used here?

What two literary tools are used by referring to Icarus?

What kind of phrase is this?

Describe how Mitchell uses imagery to establish a tone in the last stanza.