Medea project - due November 5th

You have been hired by a contemporary theater company to stage a production of Medea. As the director, you must write an explanation of your production that addresses the following issues:

  1. The type of theater space you will use. (Assume the company has several types of theater spaces to choose from.) Why would you choose this type of theater? What advantages does this space add to your vision of the production.

  2. The time and setting of your production. Explain why you have chosen this time and setting. How do these choices reflect the themes of the play.

  3. The use of masks and the chorus. (Must be used) How will you incorporate masks and the chorus into your production? How will you handle the deus ex machina?

  4. The set design: Google "Medea sets" and, looking at the images, both draw and describe in detail the set design, including any special effects you will use for a particular scene.

  5. Design a poster that will reflect your vision to your prospective audience and give the appropriate information.

The assignment will be graded on the creativity of your ideas, the depth of your understanding of the play, and the extent to which your description uses the terminology used in the History of Theater videos and the theater vocabulary we have studied.