HW - 11R

The final draft of the research paper is due Monday, the 22nd at 9 pm. If you hand it in by Friday, the 19th at 10 pm, you will get 10 extra points. If you hand it in by Saturday, the 20th at 10 pm, you will get 5 extra points. Please hand me a hard copy in class on Tuesday.


For 5/1 - I have changed some dates on the research paper. The detailed outline is NOT due on Monday, May 1st. It will now be due the following Monday, the 8th. The final draft is now due on the 14th.

For 4/27

Read up to page 310 in OFotCN

For 4/3-4

By next Thursday, please read up to pg. 225 in OFotCN.

Also, you should write an introduction to your research paper for next Tuesday.

EXTRA CREDIT: Go see The Addams Family and write at least three paragraphs about what the point of the play was and how that point was made through the use of conflict and characterization. Remember to analyze, not summarize or comment.

For 3/27

Read up to page 177 in OFotCC.

For 3/21

Read up to Part 2.

For 3/14

Read up to pg. 130.

For 3/6

Read up to pg. 76 in Cuckoo's Nest. Also, please do the exercises for Unit 9.

For 2/28

Read the next chapter in OFOTCN. (up to 41)

For 2/24

Read up to page 27 in OFOTCN

For 2/22

Do the exercises for Unit 8.

For 2/14

Write a paragraph explaining how the makers of the video employ a visual or literary tool to make a point. Here is a link to the video. Please hand this into turnitin.com by Monday night.

For 2/2

Bring $7 for One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

For 1/19

Do the exercises for Unit 7 in your vocab book.

For 1/6

Do the exercises for Unit 6 in your vocab book.

For 1/3

Please finish The Great Gatsby. There is an extra credit opportunity here, which you can apply to either The Great Gatsby or The Crucible. It is due at the end of the first week back from vacation.

For 12/20

You will have a vocabulary test on Unit 5. Also, you will write TEN sentences: each will have a word from Unit 5, TWO will have a past participial phrase, TWO will have a present participial phrase, THREE will have an adverbial clause with the following subordinating conjunctions: although, unless, and until, and THREE will have relative clauses with the following relative pronouns: who, whose and that.

For 12/13

Also, read this, take notes, and be prepared to tell me what you understand about relative clauses and pronouns.

For 12/7

Do the exercises for Unit 5 in your vocabulary book.

For 12/5

For Monday, study for the vocabulary test. Go here for a reading schedule for Gatsby.

For 12/1

Using vocabulary from Unit 4, write 6 sentences with participial phrases, 3 with a past participial, 3 with a present participial.

For 11/29

We will begin reading The Great Gatsby after the Thanksgiving break. If you don't have a copy of the book, you can buy one from me for $11. Also, we will have a test on The Crucible Thursday, December 1st. In addition, you will write an essay on The Crucible. For more information, go here. The essay will be due Monday, December 12th. You should hand me a hard copy in class and submit a copy to turnitin.com.

For 11/21

Read here about participial phrases and do the exercise here about dangling participles. Also, if you need a copy of The Great Gatsby, I will be selling them next week for $11. Everyone needs a copy when we return from the Thanksgiving holiday.

For 11/15

Do the exercises for Unit 4.

For 11/1

Watch the video here. Identify the various ailments, the people who suffer them, and the possible causes given by professionals as well as various concerns expressed by parents.

For 10/25

Do exercises for Unit 3 in your vocabulary book.

For 10/18

Read the article here and answer the questions that follow:

For 10/6

Finish the exercises for Unit 2 in your vocabulary book.

For the weekend of October 1st:

Go here and do the assignment given.

For the weekend of September 24th:

Go here and do the assignment given.

For 9/22

Write 10 sentences with adverbial clauses, using vocabulary from Unit 1. Your sentences should include the following subordinating conjunctions: after, although, because, before, even though, if, since, unless, until, when, whenever, while.

Also, for Thursday's lesson, be prepared with three quotes from each of the summer reading books. You should be prepared to discuss why each quote is significant in relation to the events or themes of the novel.

For 9/20

Do the CC Part 2 essay here.

For 9/16

Do the exercises for Unit 1 in your vocabulary book. Also, please bring your textbook to the lesson on Friday.

For 9/14

Enroll in this class on turnitin.com and submit your summer reading assignment. On Wednesday, we will have a test on the summer reading books. You MUST have them for the test.