VR - 3/4

  1. What are some criteria for getting into Preston?

  2. Do you believe the United States should offer amnesty to refugees from countries at war?

  3. Name one topic on which your beliefs might be considered heterodox.

  4. Name one central dogma of the Catholic Church.

  5. Can you think of a teacher you’ve had with a dogmatic pedagogical style?

  6. Have you ever seriously considered agnosticism?

  7. Name a movie in which a character is given a negative prognosis.

  8. Name a mnemonic you’ve been taught by a teacher.

  9. Name a movie in which a character suffers from severe schizophrenia.

  10. Are your mornings usually frenetic or calm? In what ways?

  11. Name an assassin who was killed between his arraignment and his trial.

  12. What is the rationale for the block schedule used at Preston?

  13. If you’ve ever NOT done your homework, how did you rationalize it?

  14. Is there someone in your life whom you consider particularly sapient?

  15. Which character in Arthurian folklore can be considered a sage?

  16. Are you cognizant of conflicts that occur in international politics?

  17. Is there any subject about which you are a connoisseur?

  18. Name one celebrity with a notorious reputation.

  19. Are you good at computing numbers in your head?

  20. Have you ever imputed negative qualities to a fellow student?

  21. Who is reputed to be the best actor in Hollywood?

  22. Are you generally conscientious about completing your schoolwork on time?

  23. Who is the putative King of Pop music?

  24. Name a domestic issue for which you think a plebiscite would be useful.

  25. Have you ever had prescience of an event before it occurred?