Drama exercise

1. This court is adjourned! Everybody out!

2. Her mediocre performance is very alien to me. She usually does quite well.

3. My! What a comely classroom!

4. You can never compensate me for what you've done! Get out!

5. Your dissolute behavior disgusts me! Lech m' po!

6. That feint won't work with me, buddy. You're going down!

7. OOOOH! Fodder for the tabloids!!

8. This writing is illegible! Get out!

9. Ooooh, that's a lucrative idea! You're gonna be rich!

10. Your germs are proliferating all over this classroom! Cover your mouth and get out!

11. We must subjugate the rebel forces and drive them back into the forest! Kadima!

12. You have sullied my reputation with your slanderous lies! Get out!

13. My! Your response is rather terse. Nothing more to say about it!?