Unit 6

Contributed by the class of 2020.

    1. Name a time when you had to atone for something you did.

    2. Where did the Israelites go to escape bondage?

    3. Name an historical American figure who escaped from bondage in the 1800s.

    4. What is a credible excuse you have used to explain why you didn't do your homework?

    5. Where would you look for credible sources for an essay?

    6. Name a credible news source.

    7. How can you tell if a document or a website is credible?

    8. Have you ever been told a story that didn't seem credible?

    9. Have you ever checked to see whether an online claim was credible?

    10. Have you ever had to defray the cost of something for a friend?

    11. Has a friend ever defrayed your share of something and did you pay them back?

    12. Who is the most diligent person you know?

    13. What is the class you work most diligently for?

    14. Describe a time when something happened that kept you doleful for some time.

    15. What do you do to cheer up someone who is doleful?

    16. Name a movie that makes you doleful.

    17. Recall a ghastly nightmare you've had.

    18. Name something that can hamper you from doing your homework.

    19. Name a time in which you were hampered by your own insecurities or fears.

    20. Has one grade ever hampered you from making honors?

    21. What subject do you think will hamper your chances of a college education?

    22. Name a belief that you have always hewed to.

    23. Have you ever hewed to a schedule you made for yourself?

    24. Name objects that can be hewed.

    25. What country is impoverished because of war?

    26. Name a character in a movie that goes from being impoverished to wealthy.

    27. Name a time in American history when our country was impoverished.

    28. In what ways can we show compassion to the impoverished?

    29. Name some ways the government might help neighborhoods which are impoverished.

    30. Have you ever been to an impoverished country? What was impoverished about it?

    31. Who is someone who displays incessant inappropriate behavior?

    32. Have you ever had a song incessantly going through your head?

    33. Name three sounds that are incessant in a city.

    34. What would be your response to an incessantly crying child?

    35. What is one incessant noise that you despise.

    36. Describe a classroom you've witnessed where students spoke incessantly, despite warnings from the teacher.

    37. Name a painting that has intricate details.

    38. What is a process that has many intricate steps?

    39. Name a piece of clothing you own which has a pattern with an intricate design.

    40. What are some ways you might make something hard to read more lucid?

    41. Name a politician who makes speeches in a lucid way.

    42. What can teachers do to make their lessons more lucid?

    43. Are you a lucid speaker? If not, how could you improve that?

    44. Name an artist or poet who achieved posthumous fame.

    45. Name a movie that included a posthumous performance by an actor.

    46. On a scale of 1 to 10, how prim are you?

    47. Name a sardonic TV character.

    48. Name a celebrity with a sardonic personality.

    49. Have you ever spoken to your parents in a sardonic manner? If so, how did they react?

    50. Describe ways in which someone's writing can be superfluous.

    51. What would you rather have: happiness or superfluous wealth?

    52. Have you ever had a teacher who has given you notes which turned out to be superfluous?

    53. Name a piece of technology that has already been supplanted in your lifetime.

    54. Do you think that robots will supplant human workers in the future?

    55. Have you ever taunted anyone? Did you atone for this behavior?

    56. Do you think it's fair to taunt athletic teams you don't like?

    57. What is a goal of yours that you hold on to tenaciously?

    58. Are you tenacious in certain beliefs? If so, which ones?

    59. Describe a fictional character who tenaciously pursues a goal.