Arthurian Legends

Read "King Uther and Igraine" and "The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights" and do the exercises below:

A. Answer the following questions about "King Uther and Igraine"

  1. How much of England does Camelot span?

  2. Who is Merlin?

  3. How does Merlin interpret the omen of the cloud on the horizon?

  4. Who is "Pendragon"?

  5. How does Uther promote peace in his kingdom?

  6. What similes does the writer use to describe Igraine's beauty?

  7. What does Uther’s ultimatum tell you about that society?

  8. What are the names of Gorlois' daughters and what do they promise?

  9. How does the writer combine flashback and foreshadowing in the first paragraph on page 15?

  10. Do you feel any sympathy for Uther? Why or why not?

  11. What can we infer about the beggar?

  12. How does Merlin use his magic to advance Uther's wishes?

  13. Why is Ingraine distraught and confused when she hears her husband has been killed in battle?

  14. What do you think of Igraine's decision to marry Uther?

  15. What do they name the child and what happens to him?

  16. What happens to Camelot after Uther's death?

  17. B. In the passage from The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, find a sentence with the same meaning as the sentences below. The sentences follow the order of the story:

  18. 1. The tradition went that the losers sang the praises of the winners while the victors sat staring down at the table, making shows of humility.

  19. 2. There were various reports of his agreeing or sleeping as different speakers droned on about his prominence as a knight.

  20. 3. Even being beaten by Lancelot was considered an accomplishment.

  21. 4. Sometimes a person becomes so honored that they cease to be human; they become a container for the hopes and dreams of others.

  22. 5. If one looked closely, one could see that her mind was not focused on the night's activities.

  23. 6. Men and women are circumscribed (or not) by their choice of apparel.

  24. 7. The waiters and waitresses lumbered, carrying plates out to the dining room; then scurried back to the kitchen, disoriented by the sudden lack of weight.

  25. 8. Every few meters there were places in the wall for weapons to be pointed out.

  26. 9. "I am going to bed, gentlemen."

  27. 10. Fanciful stories are a symptom of societal apathy.

  28. 11. Because of the vows I made to this court, I am protected from the designs of women.

  29. 12. I question whether fairness can be maintained by men who are not balanced.

  30. 13. In his mind, he went after her.

  31. 14. He smelled her and saw her shadow.